From the “That’s Fuckin’ Weird” Department

We started a vegetable garden and we started a compost pile. The other day a tomato was found to have been chewed on by a rat. We tossed it into the compost pile. This morning the half-chewed tomato had been placed in the lotus blossom offering dish in front of Kwan Yin. It wasn’t eaten on, just moved.

“Isn’t that interesting,” she said.

“Yeah, that’s fuckin’ weird,” I said.

“We have a spiritual rat.”

“We should help it along its spiritual path to the next life.”

Not sure how to do that without risking the cats. But that’s the cats’ job anyway. Now, if it next moves to the picture of St. Germain, I’ll pay more attention.

* * *

Once again I’m “quitting” Facebook. The only way (this time) is to add “No Facebook” to a list of things I must do every day. I need such a list because, not to overshare, and I seriously doubt this is evident outside my immediate real-life circle, I’m facing mental health issues that must be addressed, and certain healthy daily practices are called for. Exercise (which I’ve always been down for, I’m just lazy and disorganized), diet (which is handled as I am sharing my partner’s keto journey so she doesn’t have to do it by herself), and working to be conscious of all the unhelpful ways I distract myself from myself and generally undermine my own intentions. That latter quite naturally highlights Facebook as something unhelpful. I have already freed myself of the more toxic elements, mainly by learning not to argue overmuch, or engage with certain narcissistic trolls, but while I’ve found a way to keep it light and fun, it’s still a horrible distraction. Even if I only engage with history nerd groups and the occasional old friend from high school or Burning Man (which in hindsight have significant similarities), I’m still bombarded with other people’s idea of Important and Horrifying News (e.g. practically anything said, proposed, or done by the White House occupant), and this is a load of depressing information that a moment’s thought reveals I have no actual use for. Do I really need to know what’s going on in Washington? No. Do I really need to know what’s going on in Sacramento? No, not if it’s more than two blocks from my house.

So, given my mental organization, something I can see struggles with since infancy believe it or not, I’m just super smart and able to cope so none a ya ever knew, anyway, given that, it’s not just a daily but more than an hourly struggle to stay away from the siren song of What’s Goin’ On. This is made easier by the coronavirus thing since there’s nothing goin’ on I feel I’m missing out on. I miss that crazy social life of two plus years ago but eh, wutevs. Thus the utility of having No Facebook on my written-down daily list of Shit I Must Do.

* * *

There must be a third thing before I “publish” so I’m going to state without equivocation that I despise my palm tree. When I moved into this house it was merely an ugly tropical plant about twelve feet tall that somebody had allowed to grow right up by the sidewalk. Six years later it’s a sixty foot tall Mexican Fan Palm that strews ugly black berries all over the immediate vicinity, staining cars, collecting in gutters, and worst of all, germinating in my garden. Where we had carefully put in flowers in a bed of nice white gravel, it now looks like a lawn is growing, each blade a baby palm tree. You can pull them, but only about one out of three includes the bean, so they just grow back. And there are too many to pull in one or even three sessions. Further, I dislike palm trees. Once they get to be tall, they’re about as tree-like as telephone poles. Completely useless. And completely non-native! I can’t afford to have it removed, yet every year I wait the cost goes up. So, my current position has to settle into one of unequivocal hatred. It pleases me to learn that down in Los Angeles, that abode of Satan a six hour drive south, they are all dying.

4 thoughts on “From the “That’s Fuckin’ Weird” Department

  1. Palm trees are dying in LA? Didn’t know that!

    I hope your mental health improves with your new plan. What I found on my return to fb is that it simply isn’t as compelling after 2 years away. Sure, I check it on my rounds of apps, same with twatter, Reddit, etc., but now I’m engaging significantly less. I even had a few ppl ask if I was leaving again bc I hardly post. It’s just boring!

    I get my news myself and don’t need friends feeding me garbage memes from it, some of which are false anyway. And there is zero point in disagreement. No one cares about opposing views. Fun posts are htf but there are always fun and creative blog posts!

    Let us know about tomato/rat updates please!


    • That’s interesting. I returned to FB also, after about a year or so–I can’t remember–and now, I’m not particularly fascinated by anything on there, or fearful that I’ll miss out if I don’t look often enough. It’s like it’s been de-fused. Right now my problem is looking at the news. I think that for me, the solution is to do more writing, but it’s taking me a little while to get back into the swing of things.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 1.Don’t have rats, mostly BECAUSE I have cats. They seem to be semi-spiritual in a death-cult kind of way as they leave occasional bloody fieldmouse heads and other horrorshow Santa Muerte offerings at the back door. They don’t notice me at all, apparently unaware that I’m the source of the .22 caliber thunderclap that strikes the often rabid and always dangerous raccoons dead in their tracks at the cats’ foodbowls. Assuming they can tell the difference between us at all, I suspect that The Beneficiary, who talks to them and miracles up a bunch of food every day is the sole focus of the cats’ veneration of their terrible Life-and-Death gods. Anyhow, get a .22 bolt-action rifle with iron sights — I imagine you can get control of the rat population pretty handy and even in California (maybe ESPECIALLY in California), no one will likely notice, assuming you don’t shoot up THEIR place.

    2. Welcome aboard the “Facebook Is The Great Satan” train to a better life. As I’ve discussed elsewhere, formal intervention into my mental health beyond occasional superficial evaluation is not possible for a variety of really good reasons, but I can unequivocally state that dropping Facebook has, so far, been a major upgrade in my general approach to the world. Another self-medication approach that I’ve undertaken is that I check news literally no more than twice a week, and that for never longer than about 20 minutes, and other than that ignore it utterly, and will discuss it with no one. This experiment confirms that the Disastrous Story Of The Moment will have settled into rehashed, regurgitated, republished gruel of insignificance by Wednesday or so, and I’ve saved myself three or four days of flashing white-on-bloody-crimson-background “BREAKING NEWS ALERTS!” from our fucked-up, ratings-driven, 24/7 news cycle. After it’s marinanted for a couple/three days, I can sort out shit that seems important enough to have actually lasted 72 hours before I see it. Good luck with the mental health doings — unhooking from 24/7 information feeds seems to be useful for me, and I’d recommend it to anyone.

    3. I’ve never “gotten” palm trees. Other than as a symbol of tropical living, they’ve always struck me as utterly useless. They generally have a root system so shallow that you could tip them over with a strong fart, grow too fast, and don’t even shade anything. That whole “hanging out under a palm tree sucking down maitais on the beach in Kokomo” thing has always struck me as — silly(?)


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